Saturday, August 8, 2009

My First MagnetQ..

this would be, my first real publish ever. so I’m kind of proud of myself..

when I first thought about it, i thought it would be easy, nothing to it. but… not.. it’s not, it’s not easy, to squeeze your every thought into words, actually… it must be full understandable sentences. so eventually.. as me to be able to do such thing. it’s really great.. but… I'll have to wait and see…

the most important goal of MagnetQ. is to enhance my life, enhance myself. to put some order to it, and before all, encourage myself. because.. from know on, I'm being watched by other people.

anyway.. I'll try to keep this post as short as possible, only one thing that i have to say…

starting now… we’ll all try to do things, important things, and instead of watching stupid shows on TV, or even setting still,  and thinking about what should we do, we’ll start by doing the first thing that is possible to do. but because it’s 12:50 am.. i really can’t go out.. or do and outdoor activity, so.. I'm going to grab that book, and start reading.. now days.. I'm learning Turkish’s fun, and an interesting language to manage. so now.. I'll grab my book, and you shall do the same…

tomorrow, we’ll do some other thing.. don’t worry, we’ll figure it out….but for now… fare well..

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